Improving life during and beyond sedation

Dryline™ II Water Trap
The DRYLINE™ II Water Traps are intended for protection of side stream gas analyzers integrated in m…

WaterLock® 2 Water Trap
Dräger WaterLock 2 water trap safely prevent water from getting into the Philips G7m, Dräger Vamos 2…

Respiratory Gas Monitoring Line
This PVC monitoring line is internally lined with LDPE (low density polyethylene) to prevent anaesth…

Nafion Dryer Tubing
The Nafion Dryer Tubing has a semipermeable membrane. It reduces the accumulation of condensate in t…

Gas Sampling Line H
The Gas Sampling Line H is intended for continuous monitoring of expired and inspired respiratory ga…

Gas Sampling Line for BT-740
The Gas Sampling Line is for use with Sedaconda® ACD, please refer to the Sedaconda ACD Instructions…