The annual general meeting 2021 resolved that the nomination committee is appointed mainly in accordance with the following principles.
The chairman of the board of directors shall, as soon as possible after the end of the third quarter of each year, ensure that the company’s three largest shareholders or shareholder groups are offered to appoint one member each to the nomination committee.
The reconciliation shall be based on Euroclear Sweden AB’s share register (by group of shareholders) as of the last banking day of September, and/or such other documentation shareholders or group of shareholders present as evidence of their shareholding. If one or more shareholders refrain from appointing a member of the nomination committee, the next largest shareholder by votes shall be offered to appoint a member of the nomination committee, and so forth. More than five additional shareholders need however not be contacted unless the chairman of the board of directors finds that there are specific reasons therefore. When a shareholder is contacted with a request of appointment of a member of the nomination committee, the chairman of the board of directors shall set forth necessary rules of procedure such as the last day to respond, etc.
The chairman of the board of directors shall be co-opted at the nomination committee’s meetings, and the chairman of the board of directors shall convene the first meeting of the nomination committee. The composition of the nomination committee shall be made public as soon as it has been appointed. The chairman of the nomination committee shall, unless the members agree otherwise, be the member who represents the largest shareholders by votes. However, the chairman or another member of the board of directors shall not be the chairman of the nomination committee. The nomination committee shall hold its mandate until a new nomination committee is appointed. For more details see the protocol from the AGM 2021.
Sedana Medical's Nomination Committee for the 2024 Annual General Meeting consists of:
Claus Bjerre, Chairman of the Board
Karl Tobieson, appointed by Linc AB
Patrik Walldov, appointed by Anders Walldov (including indirect holding via Brohuvudet AB)
Monica Åsmyr, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder
The Nomination Committee represents 28.72 percent of all voting rights in the company as of September 30, 2023. The Nomination Committee shall submit proposals for resolution by the 2024 Annual General Meeting pertaining to the election of Chairman of the Board, fees and composition of the Board, auditors’ fees, and the election of auditors.
Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to Sedana Medical’s Nomination Committee can do so by
e-mail to by March 22, 2024.